What's expected of a Mentor?

Mentor Guidelines & Expectation

  • Demonstrate enthusiasm for mentor role and exemplify positive professional ethics and behavior.
  • Establish initial contact with the assigned mentee within ten days after receiving notification of the match.
  • Maintain regular contact with the mentee, preferably at least once a month. Mentor and mentee should agree upon the frequency of contacts, the duration of these contacts and the parameters of the relationship itself. Contact may be in person or via other forms of communication, such as telephone or email.  Acknowledge the end date for the relationship. (one year post commencement)
  • Recognize and evaluate what you can offer the mentee. Acknowledge your strengths.  Set a clear structure for the relationship at the beginning. Discuss expectations and time commitments. Renegotiate these time commitments as needed.
  • Listen and try to address mentee's concerns on a level which allows them to participate in a thoughtful discussion.  Where possible, exchange ideas with your mentee rather than lecture them.  Share “war stories” with mentees to help them feel more comfortable and learn from both your good and bad experiences.  Ask your mentee how they would handle hypothetical situations and guide them toward an appropriate solution. Be sure to give constructive criticism, as well as praise.
  • The mentor's role is to respond to the mentee's development needs and to challenge and support the mentee.  Encourage the mentee to develop to their fullest potential.
  • If mentors are unsure about any aspect of their advice, they should consult with their colleagues about how they might handle the issue or consult the Mentor Program Coordinator.
  • Be patient and positive in the relationship. No question is "dumb."
  • If needed, help arrange for your mentee to sit out.  Please contact the Student Mentor Coordinator, Sarah MacDevitt at [email protected], if you need help.  We are happy to locate reporters who can allow the student to sit in with them.

I acknowledge that any views, opinions, guidance, or remarks I may make are personal and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance, or remarks of the Deposition Reporters Association or any other professional associations. I understand that my assignment as a mentor is voluntary. If I elect to discontinue my participation in the program, I agree to promptly email my mentee of this decision, as well as the mentor program coordinator so that another mentor may be assigned to my mentee. DRA does not reimburse any expenditure associated with the Student Mentor Program.


Apply HERE


Deposition Reporters Association of California, Inc.
email: [email protected]